Can campaign details be changed after it goes live?



11:15 AM on October 10, 2022



Some changes may be minor like a change in company address; but some amendments made to details of an ongoing campaign may be considered major or material changes, as they will likely impact the value proposition of the offering. 

In such an event, we require fundraisers to indicate and seek approval for their reasons for such changes.


  • 📌 Any updates with regard to material or major changes will be reflect on the fundraisers' profile, either through their Company Details section, sections pertaining to their campaign and related-terms and/or through the fundraiser's Updates section. In other words, the fundraiser will exert effort to thoroughly inform potential and committed investors that major changes have occured to their ongoing campaign.


  • 📩 Committed investors will receive an inbox notification from our team to reconfirm the funds they've already committed. In the event that a committed investor decides to cancel the investment, they may do so for up to 48 hours before the deadline given by the fundraiser. After this period, commitments may no longer be cancelled.
