How do I get started?



11:05 AM on October 10, 2022

Getting started on the platform is as easy as...


1) Sign up for an investor's account—for free! 💻

Please register a secure email address that only you can access. If you are an institutional or corporate investor, please use a company email registered with your company's domain. 

Fill out all personal and financial information fields in your Profile page

Submit all documentary requirements

  • Valid, government issued IDs
  •  Annual Tax Returns, BIR Form or equivalent document for Foreign Investors
  •  Qualified Investor Certification or equivalent document issued by an accredited registrar*

Read, review and electronically sign all agreements in your legal agreements section

*Round One's financial intermediary parent, Eastern Securities Development Corporation is a registrar licensed by the SEC to issue such certifications.


2) Explore your dashboard and get familiar with the account features 🔍

  • The Dashboard
  • Inbox
  • Your Portfolio
  • Your Portfolio Balance and Deposits

Related: How do I verify my account?

3) Deposit funds for your investment portfolio 👛

  • Make a deposit or transfer to any of the Round One partner banks listed in your dashboard or on this website.
  • Click the Balance tab on your left-hand side menu, click the "Add Balance" button and fill out the form
  • Await verification and credit to your Portfolio



4) Start making investment commitments! 🚀

When you're done with Steps 1 - 3, you'll be able to view detailed fundraiser and campaign information to help you in making your investment decisions. Pledge funds, help fundraisers get to their goals and be part of their stories as investors.
